To support individuals and families affected by food intolerances

We are building a future where every person with food intolerances would have the ability to navigate their dietary restrictions with confidence.

Food Intolerance


The "Day of Eight Billion" was targeted by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,Population Division to be on November 15, 2022, as the day that the
8 billionth person was born on planet earth.

For us at the Food Intolerance Association, this means that there has to be hundreds of millions of people who are affected by food intolerances and not even know it.

WE AIM TO CHANGE THAT ensuring that everyone has access to food intolerance testing and the resources needed to properly manage it.

Food Intolerance
food intolerance 101

Understanding what
Food Intolerance is?

Food Intolerance 101 sheds light on the hidden epidemic affecting millions of people worldwide. Exploring the science behind food intolerance, offering practical tips ans strategies for managing dietary sensitivities. Backed by staggering statistics revealing that over 15% of the global population suffers from food intolerances,

Food intolerance testing
Signs & Symptoms

Food intolerance signs and symptoms

Food intolerance can result in a variety of discomforting symptoms that may not appear immediately but are typically experienced within a few hours after consuming the problematic food. These signs often include digestive issues such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Other symptoms can encompass general fatigue, skin rashes, headaches and a number of other symptoms. Unlike food allergies, symptoms of food intolerance are generally less severe, but can significantly affect quality of life and may be persistent if the trigger food continues to be consumed.

our focus

Impact Areas

Awareness & Support

Food intolerance frequently lurks in the background. By promoting awareness and providing assistance to individuals coping with food intolerance, we bring it out into the light.


In the battle against food intolerance, knowledge is empowerment. Our research equips individuals with food intolerance to become advocates for their own well-being and healthcare.


Through unity, we can create a tangible impact and foster a more empathetic and inclusive world for individuals facing food intolerance.
food intolerance

About the Food Intolerance Association

The Food Intolerance Association is revolutionizing how we
understand and manage our health through food
intolerance education and advocacy”

At FIA, we understand the challenges and frustrations that can arise from dealing with food intolerances on a daily basis. click to read more

Our mission is to empower individuals by offering comprehensive information, practical tips, and a supportive community to help navigate the complexities of managing food intolerances.

Here you will be able to find a wealth of knowledge on various food intolerances, including common triggers, symptoms, and potential treatment options. We strive to provide evidence-based information sources from reputable experts in the field, ensuring that you have access to accurate and up-to-date resources.

Our community forums serve as a safe space for individuals to connect, share experiences, and seek advice from others who understand the unique struggles of living with food intolerances. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been managing your intolerances for years, our supportive community is here to provide encouragement, understanding, and practical solutions.
In addition to information and community support, the FIA offers practical tools and resources to assist on your journey. From meal planning tips and recipe ideas to guidance on reading food labels and identifying hidden allergens, we aim to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about your diet and overall wellbeing.

We believe that living with food intolerances should not limit your enjoyment of food or quality of life. Through education, support, and advocacy, the FIA is committed to helping you live your best life while managing your food intolerances effectively.

Join our community today and discover a wealth of resources, support, and a network of individuals who are passionate about helping you thrive despite food intolerances. Together, we can navigate the challenges and embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Types of food intolerances
Nutritional wellness

Living with food intolerance

Living with a food intolerance disease is challenging, requiring careful attention to diet and monitoring of symptoms.

Food intolerance disease can present unique challenges for men, requiring a mindful approach to diet and symptom management. Men managing a food intolerance must identify trigger foods, limit or eliminate their consumption, and navigate social situations that can be affected.
Women have difficulties in digesting certain substances, which can lead to unpleasant symptoms like digestive issues, skin problems, headaches, and fatigue, to name a few.
Once trigger foods are identified, children with food intolerance are encouraged to follow a strict dietary plan, either by completely avoiding those foods or minimizing their intake. This means parents or caregivers need to carefully read food labels to avoid hidden ingredients or possible cross-contamination. Finding suitable alternatives and planning meals become essential for ensuring children maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.

Latest statistical data on food intolerance research.

Learn more
1 in every 13 Children
Food allergies affect approximately 1 in every 13 children in the U.S., or roughly two children in every classroom. (Source: FARE - Children and Teens with Food Allergies)
58% Digestive Issues
Involving over 100,000 testers, Advanced Food Intolerance Labs collected valuable information regarding their health. The findings revealed that a significant portion of the participants, approximately 58%, reported experiencing digestive issues.
(Source: Advanced Food Intolerance Labs )
32% Weight Loss
Involving over 100,000 testers, Advanced Food Intolerance Labs collected approximately 32%, reported experiencing weight loss issues. These concerns encompassed various factors and ranged from difficulty in losing weight to unintended and unexplained weight loss.
(Source: Advanced Food Intolerance Labs )
10% General Health Reasons
Over 100,000 testers, Advanced Food Intolerance Labs collected, the results revealed that approximately 10% of the participants reported experiencing general health issues. These concerns encompassed a wide range of symptoms and conditions that affected their well-being and quality of life.
(Source: Advanced Food Intolerance Labs )
Gluten intolerance
Case studies

Gluten Intolerance

Jane, plagued by chronic digestive issues like bloating, gas, and diarrhea, sought answers for years. Countless doctors and tests yielded no clear diagnosis. Desperate for a solution, she turned to a nutritionist. Testing for food intolerances revealed Jane's gluten intolerance. Eliminating gluten from her diet, her symptoms gradually subsided. Bloating vanished, bowel movements normalized, and her energy soared. Jane's newfound freedom allowed her to embrace social activities without fear, reclaiming her vitality and enhancing her overall quality of life.
35-year old woman
Case studies

Dairy Intolerance

Mark, a 45-year-old plagued by recurring skin problems like eczema and dermatitis, sought lasting relief for years. Despite trying numerous medications and creams, his struggles persisted. Looking for a breakthrough, Mark sought guidance from a registered dietitian who advised investigating food intolerances. Extensive testing revealed his dairy intolerance, prompting him to eliminate all dairy products and explore suitable alternatives. Gradually, his skin issues improved, with fewer and milder flare-ups, and visibly healthier, less inflamed skin emerged. Addressing his dairy intolerance revolutionized Mark's life, freeing him from discomfort, embarrassment, and constant cream applications. His confidence soared, allowing him to engage in activities without fear of flare-ups.
45-year old man
Case studies

Histamine Intolerance

Sarah, a 28-year-old plagued by recurrent headaches, migraines, and nasal congestion, sought relief for years. Doctors and medications failed to provide lasting solutions. Seeking an alternative path, Sarah consulted an integrative medicine specialist who suspected histamine intolerance. Testing confirmed the intolerance, and Sarah embraced a low-histamine diet. Within weeks, her headaches, migraines, and nasal congestion reduced significantly, leaving her more energetic. By addressing her histamine intolerance, Sarah's life transformed. Debilitating headaches no longer hindered her daily activities. With newfound confidence and freedom from nasal congestion, she fully engaged in work and social events. These case studies exemplify how identifying and addressing food intolerances profoundly improve quality of life. By eliminating trigger foods and embracing suitable alternatives, individuals find relief from chronic symptoms and reclaim their personal and social lives.
28-year old women
fia insights

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