our mission

FIA’s mission is to support individuals and families affected by food intolerances, empower them with knowledge, and advocate for their needs to improve their overall quality of life.


Our values

We envision a future where every person with food intolerances would have the ability to navigate their dietary restrictions with confidence, lead a healthy and fulfilling life, and feel understood and supported by their communities.

Our Team

Terry M. Daniels, MPH
Chairman & Founder
Stephanie Jones, MS, RDN
Anna Herrera, MPH, RN
Terry M. Daniels, MPH
Founder, President & CEO
Terry founded the Food Intolerance Association in 2023 after a 30-plus year journey battling food
intolerances and food allergies and is the author of the book, It’s in the Food! A Guide on Food
Intolerance for Adults and Children. She is the current President and CEO and brings with her an
extensive background in public health, human resources, research administration, and business
operations for the past 30 years working at Tulane University, Baylor College of Medicine, the University
of California, Berkeley, and George Washington University. She received a MPH in environmental health
science, bachelor’s in sociology, and associate’s in business administration, all from Tulane University in
her hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana.